How can we help you ?

Frequently asked, always answered

Plans and pricing

Are emotimojis free?

We offer yearly and monthly plans that may satisfied your needs. Some of them are entirely free.

Can I change plan?

Yes, you can change your plan at any time.

Do you offer customer support?

Yes. For customer service and business inquiries, please contact us at

General support

Do you offer support?

Yes. For customer service and business inquiries, please contact us at

How can i support emotimojis?

First, we would like to thank you for this amazing impulse. We do put all our heart in our line of products and are proud to have such an invested customer base. We would be thrilled if you talked about us to your neighbors or evangelize your workplace. To support our cost of operation, you can support your local business ou buy our amazing branded items in our shop.


Can I make my own emotimoji?

Yes. At Emotimoji, we have at heart to create a product that customers can adopt as their own. Please refer to licensing for further detail.

Technical issues

Why emotimojis don't look the same on all platforms?

Unfortunately, the emoji artwork in each emotimoji is specific to which fonts are included on the system, as every vendor has designed its own set. That's a technical limitation of the old emoji technology. But thanks to how emotimojis works, the text redundancy assure a better cross-platform delivery.


Who invented the emotimoji?

We did. Emotimoji, emotimojis, ‘timoji and ‘timojis are trademarks of The Emotion Company, and any history before the acquisition do not apply. Josh, see our attorney.

Where does the name Emotimoji come from?

Emotimoji is the clever mix of the name “emoticon”, which refer to the classic old text-only representations, and “emoji”, which refer to the standardised set of pictograms. By joining the two terms, we created a new word that resonate with the emotimoji construction.

What is the singular form of emotimojis?


What is the plural form of emotimoji?


Is this real?

Emotimojis is a full featured service proudly developed by The Emotion Company. As any new tech, we fully prepared for a period of perplexity.